On Sunday morning our team announced we were going to bring all our websites down to do some maintenance on the infrastructure, servers, software used and our own software.
But what actually changed, and why did we need to bring the entire stack down?
Database migration
The first reason why we brought down all websites is that we migrated our ancient Microsoft SQL Server 2017 to the latest version available, Microsoft SQL Server 2022. This should have a positive impact on the performance and add more flexibility.
But it’s not only an update, we also moved to a newly installed server to accommodate this. So we had to restore the entire database from the old database server to the new one. The backup file is around 60 GB, which takes about 30 minutes to back up and about half of that to restore on the new server.
EVE Workbench back-end
To accommodate the development of Abyss Tracker, EVE Workbench version 2 and EVE Journal we had to change quite a lot on the current EVE Workbench back-end. Which we already did, cause a very big migration to our data model in regard to the ESI logging. This is explained in the previous post: Backend and Abyss Tracker update
ESI- & own API monitor
With this update we also added a better way for the EVE Workbench team to see how the outgoing calls towards the ESI are holding up. Maybe we see weird anomalies which will need our attention.
Next to this we also added monitoring for our own API, so we can see how other developers use our available API’s and if we need to act on this.
Automated SDE download
We also changed the SDE calculator to use the official SDE from CCP. But… We wanted to automate this, so we did. We check the checksum periodically to see if they released a new version. If so, our calculation service automatically downloads it from the site, extracts it and places the needed files into the correct spot on our filesystem.
After this is done, it will reload, so the new files will become active.
Maintenance screen
If you went to one of the sites, you will have seen a brand-new placeholder page. We added a maintenance screen for when we have planned maintenance but can also be used on other occasions.

What is your opinion about this screen? Let us know!
New New Abyss Tracker Preview!

Last, but not least. We deployed the New New Abyss Tracker to our production cluster. So, you can now test the Angular version of Abyss Tracker without losing your runs or fits. As, they are published to the production database. No need to upload them to both websites!
Use the New New Abyss Tracker or the Production version of the Abyss Tracker, they will both know the same stuff! 😉.
Please help us test the New New Abyss Tracker so we can ensure it works as good (and hopefully even better) then the current version! This will run shadow for a few weeks and then we will remove the current tracker and push this to run fully in production!
EVE Workbench 2 and EVE Journal
With this we will also start the redevelopment of EVE Workbench to the new tech stack as used for the Abyss Tracker and start the first development run for EVE Journal.
We are thrilled with how the stuff is going and hope to make great improvements on EVE Workbench 2 as soon as we can
Join our Discord-server for more information or when you have feature requests!
Fly safe!
the EVE Workbench team
– Lionear
– RaymondKrah
– Ithran